ఓం నమో నారాయణాయ
Lord Rama horoscope is subject of great Interest for many astrologers. In-fact many people start learning vedic astrology referencing lord Rama birth chart. Lord Rama was born on 'Chaitra Sudda Navami' (Ninth day of Chaitra - Lunar Month) and he was born with three of 'Pancha Mahapurusha Yogas' (It’s rare to have these many Maha Purusha Yogas in single horoscope). In this post I would like to analyze the horoscope of Lord Sri Rama and understand the events happened in his life.
Below is the birth chart of Lord Sri Rama.
can be many yogas possible in a horoscope out of which Mahapurusha Yogas are
most superior and we can find three out of five Mahapurusha Yogas in Lord Rama
horoscope. They are as below
Hamsa Yoga: Jupiter in cancer and in lagna (1st house)
gives rise to Hamsa Yoga. One who is born with this yoga is swan-like who is
very spiritual and pure. This person will be very passionate and respected by
everyone. He is clever conversationalist and has good speech.
Sasa Yoga: Saturn in Libra and 4th house (from Lagna or Asc) will give
rise to Sasa Yoga. One with this yoga is a great man who is valorous and has a
slender build. He knows the weakness of others and is charitable. He likes
wandering and is lively.
Ruchaka Yoga: Mars in Capricorn and 7th house (from Lagna or Asc) gives
rise to this Ruchaka Yoga. Person with this yoga is very enthusiastic, natural
leader and valorous. He is victorious, has good taste and always
Now moving to horoscope we will have just high level overview of horoscope.
Moon is in its own sign (Capricorn, 1st house) and also exalted which
gives a long life to native. Jupiter is also in 1st house in conjunction
with moon and ascendant which makes native knowledgeable and intelligent. 2nd house
denotes family and Lord of 2nd house (Ravi/ Sun in this Horoscope) is
placed in 10th house (i.e. career or livelihood), so native will continue
his family business. We know Lord Rama was a prince who later on went to become
a king.
Parijat Yoga is an extremely intriguing suggestion in anybody's horoscope. There are different variants of this yoga in course books. According to the most straightforward understanding, this yoga is framed when the Lagna ruler is in any house with the master of that house or when the master of that house (lagna ruler's dispositor) is in some other house that is its own or worship sign.
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Parijat yoga is framed when sun is in leo with blemishes or its in Aries, its magnification (uchha) rashi. This is an instance of lagna parijat. Anyway expanding this rationale, parijat yogas can be shaped including different houses as well.
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